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[PNG.] 이미지 찌꺼기 제거기 PngOptimizer 2.4.1(x86) 2.4.2(x64)

미리 일러드리는 게, 2.4.1 버전은 32비트 운영체제에서 돌아가도록 범용 코드로 제작된 것이고
2.4.2 버전은 그 2.4.1 버전을 64비트에서 쓰도록 헤더를 개수한 차이 밖에 없답니다.
(8GB 메모리 꽂아 쓰는 NT6 윈도우즈7 X64 환경에서만 2.4.2  버전이 처리속도가 조금 더 빠를 뿐이래요. 2GB나 프리메모리 2.62GB 환경에서는 X86 방식으로 코드된 원래의 2.4.1 버전이 쓰기 좋음)

사용방법은 SS 봐서도 알 수 있지만
PNG 이미지가 든 폴더나 PNG 이미지 화일을 드래그/드롭으로 여벌 데이터를 떨어내는 방식이랍니다.
떨어낼 데이터의 종류나 변환규칙 같은 건 팝업으로 부르는 옵션에서 지정해 쓰세요.

PngOptimizer 2.4.2
A simple application designed to clean PNG files of useless or wrong information, also featuring support for BMP, GIF and TGA formats

PngOptimizer is a small and portable app that, as the name suggests, is designed to optimize PNG images in order to reduce overall size occupied on the disk. It also offers support for GIF, BMP and TGA formats.

Since there is no setup pack involved, you can put the executable file anywhere on the hard disk and just click it to run.

In addition, you can save PngOptimizer to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit, to be able to run it on any PC easily, without previously installing anything.

What's more, the app does not create new entries in the Windows registry or Start menu, leaving the disk clean after removal.

The interface is represented by a single and simple frame, where you can import images using the drag-and-drop method. The optimization process automatically starts. PngOptimizer does not create new files but overwrites the original ones instead.

Statistics show the original and new size, along with the task time. Batch processing is supported, meaning that you can work with multiple images at the same time.

PngOptimizer finishes optimization jobs rapidly while using low CPU and RAM, so it does not concern the PC's overall performance. We have not come across any issues in our tests, since the app did not freeze, crash or pop up error dialogs. Thanks to the overall simplicity, PngOptimizer can be used by anyone.

2015-03-26 13:35:43
584067 번 읽음
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  1. 1. frompotato '16.3.31 1:37 PM 신고
    !!! ↓댓글에댓글
  2. 2. udada '16.7.27 11:34 PM 신고
    멋진 프로그램이네요.
    PNG 자채가 깔끔하긴 해도 잡티제거는 언제나 좋죠 ↓댓글에댓글
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